First Time Resident Evil 2 (1998) | Claire's Story | Part 9
Yoru plays Resident Evil 2 (1998)! She returns to the famous Survival Horror game franchise to check out the original RE2 before it got remade. How does it compare to the new version? Enjoy as she experiences this classic for the first time! Next Part: • First Time Resident Evil 2 (1998) | C... ► My Kick Livestream - https://kick.com/VoidheartVT ► Donate link - https://botrix.live/k/voidheartvt/tip ► Join the Expanse - Discord Code [ ayk6AtTtQh ] #Gaming #Vtuber #ENVtubers #vtuberen #vtuberlive #residentevil #residentevil2 #retrogames #retrogame #horrorgames #horrorgame #VoidheartVT #Yoruvoidheart