Candy Apple Red Noise | Noise To Sleep Too | BLACK SCREEN, 12 Hours, Anxiety Relief, Tinnitus Relief

Candy Apple Red Noise | Noise To Sleep Too | BLACK SCREEN, 12 Hours, Anxiety Relief, Tinnitus Relief

Candy apple red? Why not candy apple red noise? Why not use this noise to sleep too? One of my favorite things about autumn is how you can find all of the seasonal goodies stacked high wherever you go. One of them being candy apples. I always make sure to get one, or two! I hope you enjoy this peaceful sound I have created for you. For this noise I combined deep pink noise and deep red noise to capture the essence of the vibrant candy apple red that you may see glistening in a candy shop window. I also added in some deeper frequency brown noise to help give some depth and low frequency masking. Lastly, I took some samples of various sounds that I recorded with some apples I had in the house and viola! You have candy apple red noise! Enjoy! Are you struggling to fall asleep at night? Do you suffer from anxiety or tinnitus that keeps you up? Look no further, because Soothing Cinnabar Noise is here to help you relax and drift off into a peaceful slumber. This 12-hour video features a black screen and calming cinnabar noise, perfect for those who prefer a dark and quiet environment for sleep. The gentle sound of cinnabar will lull you into a state of deep relaxation, easing any tension or stress you may be feeling. Not only is this video great for sleep, but it also provides relief for those who suffer from anxiety or tinnitus. The soothing noise can help to quiet the mind and block out any distracting sounds, allowing you to fully unwind and find inner peace. So why wait? Give yourself the gift of a good night's sleep with Soothing Cinnabar Noise. Let the black screen and calming sounds guide you into a state of tranquility and help you fall asleep fast. Sweet dreams! Check out my other videos! Alchemy:    • Alchemy Noise | Fall Asleep Fast | BL...   Blood Noise:    • Blood Red Noise | Fall Asleep Instant...   Chocolate Cosmos:    • Chocolate Cosmos Noise | Fall Asleep ...   Void Noise:    • Void Noise | Fall Asleep Instantly | ...