![오늘의 발음: 괜차나 걱쩡마[괜찮아 걱정마] / It's okay, Don't worry](https://krtube.net/image/RKONp0fd9DI.webp)
오늘의 발음: 괜차나 걱쩡마[괜찮아 걱정마] / It's okay, Don't worry
눈으로 발음을 읽으면서 반복적으로 듣다보면 귀가 열리고, 자연스럽게 발음 연습이 될 거에요! 매일매일 한 문장씩 업로드하겠습니다 우리 함께 발음 연습해요! - 청각장애 2급 전성국 - Today’s Korean pronunciation is "gwaenchana geogjjeongma" [It's okay, Don't worry] If you read the pronunciation with your eyes and listen to it repeatedly, Your ears will open and you will naturally practice pronunciation! I will upload one sentence every day Let's practice pronunciation together! - Deaf / Seong-kuk Jeon -