I need a doctor RESIDENT EVIL 3 (2020) - Part 6

I need a doctor RESIDENT EVIL 3 (2020) - Part 6

#residentevil3remake #residentevil3 #letsplay Jill fights Nemesis but gets infected. Carlos searches Spencer Memorial Hospital for a way to save Jill. Jill Valentine is back and ready to take on Umbrella and their secrets. I have been looking forward to getting back to the Resident Evil games and we're off to a great start with Resident Evil 3 remake. It feels amazing to be back in this world. 🎮 Playing on PS5 I have played the first two games on my YouTube channel as well so you can check those out too: Resident Evil (HD remaster)    • Resident Evil HD Remaster - Jill Vale...   Resident Evil 2 (2019 remake)    • Resident Evil 2 (2019 remake) - Leon ...   Once Upon A Quest is my casual gaming channel where I play action/adventure games with great stories. I am a chill, casual kind of gamer so if that's what you're looking for I hope you give it a watch and subscribe. 😊 Socials: Twitter @ uponaquest Instagram @ onceuponaquest TikTok @ onceuponaquest