Zombie Army 4 - All 8th Missions | Hard | 4k 60fps | Xbox X | Part 8 | Made with Elgato 4k60 S+

Zombie Army 4 - All 8th Missions | Hard | 4k 60fps | Xbox X | Part 8 | Made with Elgato 4k60 S+

Mission(s): Hell Base 1. Not in Kansas Anymore 2. War Machines 3. Let's Get Out of Here 4. Steal the Relic If I wasn't using the crossbow pistol... I'm taking my time on a lot of the missions to "set it up" and be able to destroy the zombies on hard play without dying. That's why I've been hording the heavy weapons when possible - even if it takes an extra minute or two to carry them through a mission. It's better than dying and having to start all-over again, right? And as you can see in the beginning of Chapter 8, I show you how I've been upgrading my crossbow pistol, little by little. I usually go "off" recording and backtrack missions to upgrade it - It's so worth the time as you can see in some of the game play, how that one gun - the crossbow pistol - has saved my butt from imminent death by the hordes of zombies attacking me. First blind/play/walk-through on hard mode. If you haven't played the game yet and want to get an edge on what will happen when you "do" decide to play - or if you're like me - just an average player that loves to play FPS games as soon as they're released - please watch all the episodes as I'll upload them for your viewing enjoyment. If you're watching this as soon as it's published? It takes YouTube a day or two to fully process my 4k 60fps videos. Please be patient with the quality on release day : ) Please follow the channel as it really helps us to grow, and motivates us to make even more videos for your entertainment. We use a standalone Elgato 4k 60 S+ for recording along with an ASUS 32" 4k HDR monitor - model VA32UQ and Kingston 256 GB SDR2 V90 memory cards. NOTE: We are not paid by, endorsing or promoting the use of the various manufacturers equipment. We hope you like what you see and if so..? Please give us a like and subscribe : ) Thanks