Ford Ranger EV: Changing the Cabin Air Filter
I thought I'd drop a PSA for Ford Ranger owners. I've seen a lot of comments regarding the Ranger not having a cabin air filter, and I've seen a number of other comments complaining about the Ranger's cabin blower fan output. I can confirm that the Ranger EV has a cabin air filter that shares a part number with the 2001 to 2011 gas powered Rangers. The filter I pulled out of the 1999 Ranger EV was filthy and gummed up, and it would certainly affect the blower fan's output. The process is involved for what is supposed to be an annual service item, which might be another reason why people haven't been doing it. The filter I found to fit was the MicroGard Cabin Air Filter 3661, which was available through O'Reilly Autoparts. https://www.oreillyauto.com/detail/c/...