How To Stay Positive During Your Worst Days || Power Of Positivity || Explain Urdu - Hindi
How To Stay Positive During Your Worst Days || Power Of Positivity || Explain Urdu - Hindi Hope is a powerful feeling but when you are overwhelmed with negative emotions or events it can be hard to think that anything is positive. We will help you with some tools to feel hopeful about the future. Hope: A ray of light in the darkness of life There are many turns in the path of life where the darkness seems deep, the paths become blurred, and the hope seems to be fading. But the truth is that within every difficulty lies a new beginning. Just as gems are discovered underground with time and hard work, similarly, hope is not just a fantasy, Rather, there is a real force that assures us that things can change, no matter how difficult the moment may be. When life throws us into trials, it is easy to think that everything is over. #staypositive #staypositivemotivation #staypositiveholdsteady #staypositivethestreets #staypositivetowardyourselfjoelosteen #staypositivespiderman2 #staypositivefjoutlaw #staypositivebringhappiness #staypositivedizzywright #staypositivesong #staypositivesushisoucy #staypositivesweetie #staypositiveinhardtimes #staypositivewhentimesaretough #staypositivemovingout2 #staypositiveand #staypositiveandmotivated #staypositiveandfocused #staypositiveandcalm #staypositiveandtrustthecreator #staypositiveandtrustthecreatorsong #staypositivepodcast your Queries.... world discovery, Podcasts, Radio, Podcast, World Service Radio, World Service, Documentaries, Investigations, Explainers, BBC Documentary, Docs, hope, finding hope, finding hope for kids, finding peace within yourself, finding peace in chaos, how to be positive, how to be positive in a negative situation, how to be positive when everything is going wrong, how to be hopeful, how to be hopeful in hard times, how to be hopeful for the future, how to be hopeful when you feel hopeless, @ZemTV.Official @dhruvrathee @RealWorlds @DiscoverTheWorldOfficial Disclaimer: These videos are for educational purposes. All images and video footage used is credited within the video but copyright remains with the original owners. Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Subscribe to World Discovery for NEW VIDEOS and make sure to enable Push Notifications so you'll never miss a new video. All you need to do is PRESS THE BELL ICON next to the Subscribe button! The content presented in my videos is intended solely for entertainment purposes. while may i draw upon facts, rumors and fiction, viewers should not interpret any part of the content as fictual and definitive information. please enjoy responsibly.