Fastest Trick To Divine Any Number in 5 Seconds | Vedic Maths Division Trick

Fastest Trick To Divine Any Number in 5 Seconds | Vedic Maths Division Trick

Vedic maths tricks are the fastest and easy tricks to perform calculations like division multiplication addition squaring etc in no time. Today I will Tell you the fastest way to divide any number using vedic mathematics Finding the division of 3 or more digit number when the divisor is 9. 1)Let us solve example on 3 digit number Let us consider the number 102÷9 102÷9 STEP 1: Splits the digit 102 into 2 parts as a divisor has only one digit as 2 goes in remainder part and rest all digits will goes in Quotient part i.e. Q R 1 0 ǀ 2 STEP 2: To find the 1st digit of a quotient put 1 as it is i.e. Q R 1 0 ǀ 2 ↓ 1 STEP 3: i)To find the 2nd digit of a quotient ,add quotient and divident digit i.e. (1+0=1) ii)To find the remainder ,add remainder and quotient i.e.(2+1=3) i.e. Q R 1 0 ǀ 2 ↓ 1 1 ǀ 3 Answer Quotient = 11 Remainder = 3 2) Let us solve examples of 4 digit number Let us consider the 1232÷9 1232÷9 STEP 1: Split the digit 1232 into 2 parts as a divisor has only one digit as 2 goes in remainder part and rest all digits will goes in Quotient part i.e. Q R 123 ǀ 2 STEP 2: Q R 123 ǀ 2 ↓ 1 STEP 3: i)To find the 2nd digit of a quotient add quotient and the divident i.e.(1+2=3) , ii) To find the 3rd digit of a quotient add 2nd digit of quotient with the divident digit i.e. (3+3=6) iii)To find the remainder add 3rd digit of quotient with remainder i.e. (6+2=8) i.e. Q R 1 2 3 ǀ 2 ↓ 1 3 6 ǀ 8 Answer : Quotient = 136 Remainder=8 Chapters: 0:00 - Introduction 0:28 - Example 1 2:22 - Example 2 4:04 - End Screen Keywords: division trick divide tricks vedic maths divide tricks vedic maths division division using vedic maths division tricks vedic maths divide tricks vedic maths how to divide using vedic maths division tricks divide trick any number divide tricks 2 digit numbers divide tricks by dear sir vedic maths division tricks in hindi vedic maths tricks vedic maths tricks fro fast calculation vedic maths division vedic maths divide vedic maths full course vedic mathematics vedic ganit vedic ganit in hindi vedic maths calculation tricks vedic maths fast calculation tricks #vedicmaths #divisontricks #vedicmathsdivision #dividetricks #vedicmathsdividetricks #dividevedicmaths #vedicmathsforbeginners #vedicmathsforfastcalculation #vedicmathstricks #vedicmathstricksfordivision #vedicmathsfullcourse #vedicmathsformulas #vedicsutras #vedicmantras #vedicmathematics #mathstricks #mathstricksforfastcalculation #maths #tricks Thank You....