Grace Toronto Church - (September 12, 2021 Service)
Welcome to the Grace Toronto Church Sunday service livestream on SEPTEMBER 12. Join us here or visit https://gracetoronto.ca/livestream​. ONLINE BULLETIN: https://www.gracetoronto.ca/bulletin Sermon Title - A Generous Community Sermon Series - Vision: A Gospel Community Scripture Passage - Acts 2: 42-47 Timestamp - 44:03 Links & Announcements Below🔻 -------------------------------------------------------------------- ALPHA PRE-MARRIAGE CLASS Grace Toronto is pleased to offer a 6-part premarital series for couples who are engaged or thinking about marriage. The Workshop will be held on Saturday, September 25th at 10AM. Each couple will then be encouraged to work through the interactive material independently at their own pace. To register or to find out more, visit https://www.gracetoronto.ca/events/ht... GTKIDS TRACK AND FIELD DAY Come join us on Sept 25 at Riverdale Park East (the track on the Broadview side) for fun and games with your family. Get ready for relay races, long jump, ball throw and more! Let’s get outside, have some fun, and enjoy being together. Feel free to pack a picnic and sprawl out on the lawn afterwards and join one another for a physically distanced lunch. Please contact Alisha Simpson ([email protected]) to register or for more information. POSTPARTUM ANXIETY & DEPRESSION WORKSHOP Grace Toronto is hosting a Postpartum Anxiety & Depression Workshop on Saturday, October 2. This is a practical and interactive workshop designed to help equip affected parents with tools and strategies to better understand and manage family life when one or both parents are experiencing PPD/PPA. For more information or to register, visit: https://www.gracetoronto.ca/events/ht... WOMEN'S MINISTRY Women’s Ministries invites women of every age and life stage to deepen their walk with God and with each other. Through small group short study modules, mentorship, prayer time or group events, the goal is to equip and connect women in a supportive, stimulating, and safe community. Contact [email protected] for more information. SUPPORT If you are in any form of need or if you are able to help others, please visit http://www.gracetoronto.ca/help​ or visit http://www.gracetoronto.ca/prayer​ to submit your prayers.