Types of share capital | authorised share capital | class 12 accounting

Types of share capital | authorised share capital | class 12 accounting

Types of share capital | authorised share capital | class 12 accounting Welcome to Economics with commerce Shruti! If you're a Class 12 student wanting to understand Share Capital and the process of issuing shares, you’re in the right place. In this video, we’ll dive into the concept of Share Capital—the funds a company raises by issuing shares to investors. We’ll cover different types of share capital, including Authorized Capital (the maximum capital a company can raise), Issued Capital (the portion offered to investors), Subscribed Capital (the portion investors agree to purchase), and Paid-up Capital (the amount actually paid by shareholders). We'll also explore types of shares, like Equity Shares and Preference Shares, and their distinct features. Join us to build a solid foundation in understanding share capital, its types, and how shares are issued! #IssueOfShares #ShareCapital #TypesOfShares #Class12Economics #CompanyFundraising #EquityShares #PreferenceShares #EconomicsForStudents