Issue of shares | authorised share capital | unissued share capital | class 12 accounting

Issue of shares | authorised share capital | unissued share capital | class 12 accounting

Issue of shares | authorised share capital | unissued share capital | class 12 accounting In this short video, we break down essential share capital concepts for Class 12 Accounting, including: βœ… Issue of Shares: How companies raise funds by issuing shares to investors. Different methods like IPO, private placement, and rights issue. βœ… Authorised Capital: The maximum share capital a company is legally allowed to issue. βœ… Issued Capital: The portion of authorised capital that has been offered to shareholders. βœ… Unissued Capital: The remaining portion of authorised capital that has not yet been issued by the company. Get clear and concise explanations to boost your understanding and exam preparation! πŸ’¬ Have doubts? Ask in the comments! πŸ”” Subscribe for more Class 12 Accounting lessons and exam tips! πŸ“Œ Hashtags: #IssueOfShares #AuthorisedCapital #IssuedCapital #UnissuedCapital #Class12Accounting #CBSE #Commerce #exampreparation issued capital types of share capital share capital authorized capital authorised capital subscribed capital unissued capital paid up capital issue of shares called up capital meaning of issued capital and unissued capital what is issued capital authorised share capital and issued share capital authorized capital vs issued capital authorized capital and issued capital