6 Years Marriage Anniversary Special Video, Podcast With My Thai Wife Ft. Nitnipa Nakoon. Video 6682
TIME STAMPS 00:00 About This Video 01:18 - Video Intro 01:40 - Video Starts. Getting my wifey Nitnipa Nakoon Familiar with the setup 03:38 - Why does my wifey Nitnipa Nakoon call me or address me as “Sir” 05:05 - How’s it being married to Loy Machedo? Is Nitnipa Nakoon happy being married to Loy Machedo? 05:48 - Being Thai, Why did she marry a Foreigner that too an Indian passport holder, someone who was tattooed, very fat (at that time), being an ex-playboy, had no money and was not very attractive to look at? 07:14 - How did we end up meeting each other? How did Loy Machedo & Nitnipa Nakoon end up getting married? How did she end up falling in love with me? 11:01 - How I asked Nitnipa Nakoon’s hand for marriage…. Within 1 minute of saying hello to her the first time! 12:45 - The comedic incident when Loy Machedo & Nitnipa Nakoon met at the airport for the first time! 13:40 - Exclusive Footage of when Loy Machedo met Nitnipa Nakoon for the first time 15:37 - After landing at the airport, Why did Nitnipa Nakoon hold Loy Machedo’s hand and refuse to let go of it? 16:35 - Why did Nitnipa Nakoon & her family agree for Nitnipa Nakoon to marry Loy Machedo even though he refused to pay any money for the Dowry (Sinsod - Thai Dowry) 18:20 - What was the reaction of Nitnipa Nakoon’s friends & relatives when she showed the picture of her and Loy Machedo getting married? 19:24 - There was a big problem after Nitnipa Nakoon & Loy Machedo got married. What actually happened? 20:51 - How is it being married to Loy Machedo? Is he romantic? Is he strict? Is he demanding? Does Nitnipa Nakoon know about Loy Machedo’s past? 22:45 - How does Nitnipa Nakoon rate her husband Loy Machedo out of 10 on various aspects….. 24:00 - How many fights has Loy Machedo had with Nitnipa Nakoon? Nitnipa Nakoon shares the incident where Loy Machedo physically hit her… and why? 25:18 - When does Loy Machedo normally shout at Nitnipa Nakoon? How does Loy Machedo react when Nitnipa Nakoon says “I love you” 25:59 - What does Nitnipa Nakoon feel when Loy Machedo’s haters talk smack about Loy Machedo & send her negative messages about Loy Machedo? 26:40 - Would Nitnipa Nakoon leave Loy Machedo for any reason like infidelity? 27:30 - Doesn’t Nitnipa Nakoon get bothered by Loy Machedo’s tattoos? Is she ashamed about it? Does it bother her that Loy Machedo dress up pretty shabbily? 30:14 - What is Nitnipa Nakoon’s long term plan with Loy Machedo? 31:04 - Concluding thoughts and yes romantic kiss 33:49 - Here’s the surprising bit - Bonus Content…. Enjoy ------------------------------- So today, 10th June 2023, me and my Thai Wifey celebrate 6 years of marriage. We got married on 10th June 2017 and there have been many special moments which we both have celebrated and shared together. In this special Youtube session, I put my Thai wifey on the hot seat as I take her interview in a no-holds-barred style asking her all the questions most of you have asked over the years. So watch the video as I ask Nitnipa Nakoon all the questions related to being married to her Tattooed husband, Loy Machedo. Watch and let me know your thoughts in the comments below. ------------------------------- Nitnipa Nakoon, Loy Machedo, Loy Machedo with Nitnipa Nakoon Podcast, Loy Machedo with Nitnipa Nakoon Video, Loy Machedo celebrates 6 years of marriage with Nitnipa Nakoon, Podcast Special with Loy Machedo, Loy Machedo Marriage, ------------------------------- If you wish to donate & support the channel OPTION #1: TRANSFERWISE PAYMENT USE THIS LINK https://wise.com/invite/ua/loym7 Make the payment to [email protected] ------------------------------- TO JOIN MY PRIVATE FACEBOOK GROUP / loymachedo ------------------------------- FOR BUSINESS INQUIRIES [email protected] | +66-92-541-4784 (Whatsapp) ------------------------------- WHO AM I? Google "Loy Machedo" ------------------------------- #loymachedo shares 6 Years Marriage Anniversary Special Video Podcast With My Thai Wife Ft. Nitnipa Nakoon Video 6682 - • 6 Years Marriage Anniversary Special ... #Truth #AskMeAnything #AskLoyMachedo #NitnipaNakoon #MarriedLife