Don't Waste Your Time In El Salvador. *Must Watch*  Before Booking Your Flight.

Don't Waste Your Time In El Salvador. *Must Watch* Before Booking Your Flight.

In this video I'll be discussing the 7 things you must know before visiting this amazing country so you can take advantage of everything it has to offer and not waste one minute! Most #tourist and #travelers tend to skip #SanSalvador #elsalvador for the #beaches of #eltunco and other areas of the country but we'll see why every #traveler needs to add this beautiful city to there #travel list. THANK YOU FOR WATCHING IN ADVANCE! The channel cannot survive without your support! The best way to help keep the channel going is one of the options below! 1. Like - Comment - Subscribe 2. Buy An Official Channel T-shirt: 3. Donate to the channel for better equipment please send it to the below with you name so I can give you a shoutout (Anything helps!) : Cashapp:$elcheckin