Revellers blown away by scale of New Year fireworks display along River Thames in London
(1 Jan 2025) RESTRICTION SUMMARY: ++CLIENTS PLEASE NOTE: COMMERCIAL MUSIC, MUSIC VIDEO AND/OR PERFORMANCES MUST BE CLEARED ACCORDING TO YOUR OWN LOCAL MUSIC PERFORMANCE AND COPYRIGHT AGREEMENTS WITH YOUR APPLICABLE COLLECTING SOCIETY++ ASSOCIATED PRESS London - 31 December 2024 - 01 January 2025 ++NIGHT SHOTS++ 1. Tilt down fireworks around London Eye 2. SOUNDBITE (English) Kushpadhak (no last name given), attendee: "I came here with my friends, and she's from India. She just travelled to visit the fireworks here and she's going back on 4th of January." 3. Wide fireworks around London Eye 4. SOUNDBITE (English) Ahmed (no last name given), attendee: "We are coming from Turkey. And actually, we are living in Dublin. Then we are watching on TV. Last year we decided to come here for next year and we are here finally. We want to see fireworks and we want to enjoy." 5. Wide fireworks around London Eye 6. Crowd attending fireworks display 7. SOUNDBITE (English) Seong Jun, attendee: "It's like a TV show, like with Big Ben and every building is beautiful. And also, we can see the London Eye and many Brits are here. So that's why I came here. We like modern buildings because I'm living in Italy right now. But in Italy there are less modern buildings than London. So I want to be in a modern city." 8. Crowd attending fireworks display STORYLINE: London rang in the New Year with a pyrotechnic display along the River Thames, as Big Ben struck midnight. Visitors came from all over the world to watch the show. "Last year we decided to come here for next year and we are here finally. We want to see fireworks and we want to enjoy," said Ahmed, a Turk living in Dublin. With a storm bringing bitter weather to other parts of the United Kingdom, festivities in Edinburgh, Scotland, and some other venues were canceled. The London celebration joined communities around the world as they welcomed 2025 with spectacular light shows, embraces and ice plunges. Countries in the South Pacific Ocean were the first to ring in the New Year, with midnight in New Zealand striking 18 hours before the ball drop in Times Square in New York. Conflict muted acknowledgements of the start of 2025 in places like the Middle East, Sudan and Ukraine. =========================================================== Clients are reminded to adhere to all listed restrictions and to check the terms of their licence agreements. For further assistance, please contact the AP Archive on: Tel +44(0)2074827482 Email: [email protected]. Find out more about AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/HowWeWork Twitter: / ap_archive Facebook: / aparchives Instagram: / apnews You can license this story through AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/metadata/you...