Emerge: One Way // Danielle Lay @City Harvest Church

Emerge: One Way // Danielle Lay @City Harvest Church

ONE WAY Song Leader: Danielle Lay Joel Houston | Jonathon Douglass © 2003 Hillsong Music Publishing Australia +++++++ Here are ways to stay connected with us: New to CHC: https://www.chc.org.sg/vip-content I want to accept Jesus: https://www.chc.org.sg/jesus I need prayer: https://www.chc.org.sg/prayer-request I’ve got a testimony: https://www.chc.org.sg/share-a-testimony I want to give: https://give.chc.org.sg CCLI Copyright License No. 261379 / Streaming License No. 138237 COMPASS License No. 130300005