MECHATRONICS (BTech/BSc)|| in Malayalam || Best Engineering course after Plus two
Best engineering program after plus two - Mechatronics, highly job oriented engineering program. Mechatronics is a field of engineering that includes study with a combination of various engineering disciplines such as mechanical, electrical, telecommunication, control and computer engineering. The aim of mechatronics is a design process that unifies all the above disciplines of engineering. As more businesses advance their technologies and turns to sophisticated intellegent systems and robotics, mechatronics engineering will continue to grow in demand. Even manufacturing businesses considering a technology upgrade turn to mecahtronics engineers in order to evaluate assembly line effeciency and costs. Good paying jobs + high starting salaries: Professionals with mechatronics engineering technology skills are highly valued by today's rapidly innovating companies, and salaries reflect that fact. According to ziprecruiter.com, entry-level mechatronics engineers earn an average of $54,500 per year. the USA To me the obvious answer is the USA. Mechatronics is primarily Mechanical Engineering (it is, after all an articulated system) with a great blend of Electronics, Power conditioning, and computer science. USA, Canada, and UK all have good programs. Mechatronics Salaries and Career Outlook The Mechatronics Engineering career is very much sustainable and will play a key role in any future innovations. Mechatronics is a very useful degree; it's essentially robotics. It's a mechanical degree but instead of the advanced mechanical design courses in 3rd and 4th year you do robotics design and computer control instead. There's growing demand for mechatronic engineers as things become computerised and automated. We can call the mechatronics is the superset of robotics. ... We can consider a robot as an example of a mechatronics project. Other examples like cars, automation systems, etc. If you are planning to work in the field of designing and developing autonomous machines, then mechatronics will the best choice for you. Japan and Europe are leading in robot development and supply according to IFR President and Representative Director / Chairman of the Board of Yaskawa Electric Corp., Japan, Junji Tsuda. While the Chinese robot market is growing fast, the majority of robots supplied to China come from other countries. Best colleges / Universities to study Robotics Engineering: Carnegie-Mellon University- USA. University of Michigan-Ann Arbor- USA. Massachusetts Institute of Technology-USA. University of Southern California- USA. University of Central Lancashire- UK. University of Oxford- UK. University of Gothenburg- Sweden The Department of Mechatronics Engineering at MIT was established in 2012 and offers a 4-year B. Tech course in Mechatronics Engineering with an integrated curriculum to provide a broad-based education in the basic principles of electrical, electronics, computing, mechanical & control systems. Which is better computer science or mechatronics? Mechatronics combines electrical and mechanical engineering courses, so its not easy and it requires motivation and hard work in order to do well. Calculus, Physics, Circuits, Heat and fluids is expected. In terms of job prospects, computer science is a bit better, BUT THE JOB IS TOTALLY DIFFERENT Is Mechatronics better than mechanical engineering? A mechatronics engineer will rarely possess the entire knowledge and skills of a mechanical engineer. Mechatronics is a little more sophisticated, but both mechanical engineering and mechatronics share this common goal: to be one step ahead of the future of technology. Can a mechatronics engineer work as a mechanical engineer? Therefore, the future mechatronics engineer will be able to work as a mechanical engineer with an extra knowledge in electronics systems. ... Therefore, mechatronics skills are quite important in a team of engineers that are working in a mechanical area for developing vehicles or robotics systems. What kind of degree do you need to be a robotics engineer? Robotics engineers must have a bachelor's degree in engineering. Robotics courses usually include training in hydraulics and pneumatics, CADD/CAM systems, integrated systems, numerically controlled systems, logic, and microprocessors. Some colleges offer engineering programs specially designed around robotics.