The Analyst 30th August 2024 Current Affairs Today  | Vajiram and Ravi Daily Newspaper Analysis

The Analyst 30th August 2024 Current Affairs Today | Vajiram and Ravi Daily Newspaper Analysis

Current Affairs Today: In today's UPSC preparation video we will cover the most important current affairs today for 30th August 2024. Stay updated with Vajiram And Ravi comprehensive daily news analysis and get insights into the current affairs 2024 that matter for your UPSC preparation strategy. We will cover 30th August current affairs with The Analyst! Get a daily newspaper analysis from Vajiram & Ravi and stay informed on the latest news and events with our comprehensive coverage of daily current affairs. In this video, we do a daily newspaper analysis of top newspapers like The Indian Express and The Hindu, covering important topics for UPSC Current Affairs. Keep up with the news and prepare for exams with our comprehensive news analysis. Handout: ------------------------------------------------------------------ The Analyst 29th August:    • The Analyst 29th August 2024 Current ...   General Studies PreCumMains Programme: For counselling or any inquiries, please feel free to reach us at 080-6220-6330 00:00 Introduction 00:51 Analyzing Gender Budget 2024-25 15:34 Grassroot Democracy in India 31:53 Is a Caste Census needed in India? 41:12 Second Nuclear Submarine of India 44:02 Shanghai Cooperation Organization 46:16 Prelims Snippets 50:54 Quiz ------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow our Official Social Media pages- Facebook - YouTube -    / vajiramandraviofficial   Instagram - Telegram - Quora - ------------------------------------------------------------------ #AnalyzingGenderBudget202425 #GrassrootDemocracyinIndia #IsaCasteCensusneededinIndia #SecondNuclearSubmarineofIndia #ShanghaiCooperationOrganization #PrelimsSnippets #currentaffairs #currentaffairstoday #dailycurrentaffairs #newspaperanalysis #currentaffairs2024 #thehinduanalysis #upsc #upscmotivation #upscprelims2024 #upsc2024 #upscinterview #upscsyllabus #upscexam #upscpreparation #iasmotivation #vajiramandravi #indianexpressnewsanalysis Analyzing Gender Budget 2024-25,Grassroot Democracy in India,Is a Caste Census needed in India?,Second Nuclear Submarine of India,Shanghai Cooperation Organization,Prelims Snippets current affairs today,current affairs,current affairs 2024,9 aug,9 aug current, affairs,upsc current affairs 2024,upsc current affairs,daily current affairs,current affairs classes,daily news analysis,daily news analysis upsc,daily newspaper, analysis,newspaper analysis today,newspaper analysis,upsc preparation,upsc,upsc interview,ias interview,news analysis upsc,,vajiram and ravi current affairs,vajiram and ravi Today's Analyst Quiz answers are available in the handout: