Webinar: Preventing And Treating Muscle Loss With Age

Webinar: Preventing And Treating Muscle Loss With Age

Starting as early as age 30, we all begin to lose muscle mass and strength. However, some of us lose it more quickly due to a serious condition called sarcopenia, which becomes more common with age. Sarcopenia can significantly impact a person’s quality of life by reducing the ability to perform simple tasks of daily living, increasing disability, reducing independence, and increasing the need for long-term care. It can also lead to health problems/complications such as falls and fractures, more frequent and longer hospitalizations, more post-surgery complications, and a raised risk of death. This educational webinar explores muscle health with aging—including how muscle decline is detected and the importance of nutrition intervention and physical exercise in prevention and recovery. 🕐 TIMESTAMPS 🕐 00:00 Introduction 02:25 Dr. Jack Guralnik 17:15 Dr. Robert Fielding 36:51 Dr. Susan Roberts 51:30 Q & A