KEEP THE FAITH: Daily Mass for Hope and Healing | 19 Oct 22 Wed | Sts John de Brébeuf & Isaac Jogues

KEEP THE FAITH: Daily Mass for Hope and Healing | 19 Oct 22 Wed | Sts John de Brébeuf & Isaac Jogues

LIVE | This is KEEP THE FAITH: Daily Mass for Hope and Healing for the 19th of October 2022, Wednesday, Memorial of Saints John de Brébeuf and Isaac Jogues, Priests, and Companions, Martyrs with Rev. Fr. Nemesio Que, SJ celebrating the Mass. *For your donations, you may also course them through this link: ---- #KeepTheFaith #OnlineMass #DailyMass #Jesuits #ateneodemanila #ateneo #OrdinaryTime