#twixtor #kpop #babymonster #asa You can download the video in quality here (FREE) - 1- https://boosty.to/hiimsoa 2- https://t.me/+OJAqAyPHdBswZjU6 VERSION NO CC - / @virtualstudiocc inst- https://instagram.com/soa_soo?igshid=NTc4M... tt- (https://www.tiktok.com/@soa_so?is_from_web... Artist - BABYMONSTER ASA Quality Topaz ai video enhancer COLORING After effects 2023 SLOWMO - AFTER EFFETCS 2023 QUALITY TUTORIAL • TUTORIAL HOW I MAKE MY TWIXTORS (AFTE... You can use my videos for edits and tutorials, tag me as you wish, but this will help my channel grow. It is FORBIDDEN to use the video as your twixtor, any attempt at copyright will be blocked.It is forbidden to pass off my video as your own TWIXTOR - Slow motion video MEGA TWIXTOR 4K is a video that includes several videos at once, for example, I often do a series with FACECAM and there will be several performances in one video(All videos correspond to the same concept, that is, if the video is from FACECAM, then all cuts will be from the facecam series) MEGA TWIXTOR 4K MIX This is absolutely the same as the previous video series, but there may be completely different videos, that is, there may be facecam, focus, mv and the like in one video NOTWIX 4K is a video without slowing down, which is what the decryption says (NOTWIX - NOT TWIXTOR), but I'll it with improved quality using a neural network + cc AE(after effects) CANDY EDIT is a video with +twixtor + AE coloring + high-quality topaz TWIXMAKER - Creator of twixtor