Gur Wale Chawal Recipe | Jaggery Rice | Gur ke Chawal Recipe | گڑ والے چاول | Meethe Chawal | Rice |

Gur Wale Chawal Recipe | Jaggery Rice | Gur ke Chawal Recipe | گڑ والے چاول | Meethe Chawal | Rice |

Asslam o Alaikum Friends... aj me ap k lye lae hun gur waly chawal ki recipe. sweet rice recipe. jaggery rice recipe. meethy chawal banane ka tarika. About This Video: In this video I am going to share with you my gur waly chawal recipe. I tried my best to explain the recipe off Jaggery Rice. I hope you will like this recipe very much. #food #chawal #rice #quickrecipe #gurwalaychawal #gurwalechawal #viralrecipe #winterrecipes #howto #homemade #cooking #5minuterecipe #recipe #easyrecipe #ricerecipe #gurrecipe #sweetrecipe #sweets #sweetdishesrecipespakistani #sweet #recipeathome #pakistanifood #healthy #healthyeating #learning #like #share #recipeoftheday #winterspecialrecipe #gurwalychawal #gurwalychawal#sweetrice #gurwalechwal #jaggeryricerecipe #vlogs #foodvlogs