Daily Bread Devotional: Devotional Topic: Finding Strength in the Face of Opposition READ: Acts 22:22-23:11 Verse of the Day: Acts 23:11 Devotional Message: (Acts 23:11) "The following night the Lord stood near Paul and said, 'Take courage! As you have testified about me in Jerusalem, so you must also testify in Rome.'" In this verse, we read about the apostle Paul facing opposition and persecution. He stood before the Sanhedrin, the highest Jewish court, and faced false accusations and hostility. Despite the challenges and threats he encountered, Paul remained resolute in his faith. Likewise, in our own lives, we may encounter opposition, criticism, or challenges that threaten to shake our faith and discourage us. It could be in the form of ridicule from others, rejection for standing up for what we believe in, or facing difficult circumstances that seem insurmountable. But just as Paul found strength in the midst of adversity, we too can find encouragement and resilience in our faith. Here are three important reminders to help us navigate through trials and tribulations: 1. Trust in God's Presence: When Paul faced opposition, he knew that he was not alone. Similarly, we can take comfort in the fact that God is with us every step of the way. He promises never to leave us nor forsake us (Deuteronomy 31:6), and His presence brings us peace and courage even in the midst of storms. 2. Hold Firm to God's Word: Despite the accusations and threats hurled at him, Paul remained grounded in the truth of God's Word. In times of difficulty, let us hold fast to the promises and teachings of Scripture. They serve as our anchor, providing guidance, wisdom, and strength to endure. 3. Find Strength in Community: Paul had fellow believers who supported and encouraged him during his trials. Similarly, we need the support of our Christian community to uplift us in times of struggle. Surround yourself with fellow believers who can offer prayer, counsel, and companionship along the journey. Let us draw strength from God's presence, hold firm to His Word, and find support in our Christian community. May we emerge stronger in our faith, knowing that God is faithful to sustain us through every trial. Devotional Playlist:    • DAILY DEVOTIONALS   March 21, 2024 Devotion | Daily Devotional | Devotional Today | Daily Bread Devotional | Our Daily Bread | Our Daily Bread Devotional | MamClaireTV LET'S BE FRIENDS: FOR MORE CHRISTIAN VIDEOS: 🔰Facebook Reels and Godly Posts |   / mamclairetv   #DailyDevotional #DevotionalMessage