Prayer in Other Tongue's #holyspirit #healing /9/3/2025🙏✝️

Prayer in Other Tongue's #holyspirit #healing /9/3/2025🙏✝️

Exodus 15:26: "I will put none of the diseases on you that I put on the Egyptians, for I am the Lord, your healer"  Act 2:4. “All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them. @healingprayer507 subscribe👍 share 🔔 The power of Holy spirit //#powerful prayer #zaboor #healing Prayer and deliverance #daily Bible study #worship in tongues #powerful anoitiong prayer's #power in Prayer#speaking in tongues #other languages#blessed sermons #powerful #zaboor #healing For contact..... Sehrish Shahzad @instagram Evangelist Sehrish Shahzad #urdubiblereading #christianity #powerfulhealingprayer #hindi #spiritualhealing #christianity #christiansongs #hebrewinurdu #channel #mashichaneel #jesuschrist #jesuslovesyou #jesus #jesusislord #jesuslovesyou #jesussongs #jesusmessage #deliveranceministry #healing in Jesus name #transformation in chrisnalty #love #bookofproverbs #jesus #success #zaboor #christianbelief #yeshua ##youtubeshorts #youtubechannel #youtubevideos