Great Themes of the Old Testament | Sunday Morning Bible Study | 12/12/2021

Great Themes of the Old Testament | Sunday Morning Bible Study | 12/12/2021

Great Themes of the Old Testament | God - His Character Lakeside church of Christ Sunday Morning Bible Class December 12, 2021 Instructor: Caleb Colley Subject: Great Themes of the Old Testament - God - His Character Scripture Text: Come join us for our next worship service! Sunday Bible Class 9:30 AM Sunday Worship 10:30 AM (livestream) and 6:00 PM (livestream) Wednesday Night Devotional 7:30 PM (livestream) Subscribe to YouTube channel:    / coclakeside.  . Find us online at Facebook:   / coclakeside   Instagram:   / coclakeside   #lakesidechurchofchrist #livestreamingchurch #biblestudy #onlinechurch #churchofchrist #onlinechurch #onlinechurchservicelive