Gruppe Sechs Gear Part 1 - The Big Con - GTA Online Diamond Casino Heist Prep Mission

Gruppe Sechs Gear Part 1 - The Big Con - GTA Online Diamond Casino Heist Prep Mission

"If we're going in as a Gruppe Sechs team, we'll need an armored car to begin with... I know they do regular runs to The Diamond, but... nah, that would draw way too much attention. Here, uh... give me a second. Excellent, there's a standard Stockade under repair at an auto shop. They might not even notice it's missing." ―Lester's briefing. Gruppe Sechs Gear Part 1 is a prep mission featured in Grand Theft Auto Online as part of the The Diamond Casino Heist update. It is a freeroam mission needed to progress The Diamond Casino Heist. Completing this setup and its second part, Gruppe Sechs Gear Part 2, allows players to use the Gruppe Sechs entrance disguise in the The Big Con Approach. Lester informs the player that they need to steal a Stockade to begin the process of impersonating a Gruppe Sechs team. After a couple of seconds, He gives players a location of a Stockade under repair at an auto shop, which can be in places such as Los Santos Customs in Paleto Bay or Auto Re-Perez in Strawberry. ► More GTA 5 - ► Solo Public Lobby ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Keep Updated ► Twitter ►   / greypython91   ► Facebook ►   / greypython91   ► Instagram ►   / greypython91   ► My Tech Channel -    / ryanphillips03