100 Must Have Iron Rich Foods to treat IRON DEFICIENCY #irontreatment #iron
List of Foods That Contain Iron in High Amounts Group 1: Fruits Best iron rich fruits Apples Bananas Pomegranates Olives Black currants Raspberries Blackberries Blueberries Cherries Strawberries Avocado Kiwi Pears Plums Grapes Oranges Tomatoes Melons Lemons How to eat more iron-rich fruits: Summer is the perfect time to eat more fruits. Most fresh fruits are filled with Vitamin C which facilitates high iron absorption. Here are some ways you can increase your iron levels with fruits: Eat more citrus food juices such as orange juice Use lemon juice as a garnish in your salads Cut up small fruit pieces and add them to desserts such as custard and ice cream Drink detox water made with fresh fruits Make a habit of drinking fruit smoothies Eat raw fruits at breakfast such as berries or apple Cut small slices of fruits as an on-the-go snack 100 iron-rich superfoods women should definitely add to their diet (includes more than just fruits and veggies!) 🥩🥖 Click to Tweet Group 2: Vegetables Top iron rich vegetables Broccoli Spinach Kale Asparagus Beet green Spring onions Artichokes Arugula Squash Peas Mushrooms Leeks Potatoes Red bell pepper Cucumber Beetroot Carrots Parsnip Eggplant Zucchini How to eat more iron-rich vegetables: Vegetables are one of the most popular food sources of iron to beat deficiency. Almost all the veggies mentioned above are rich in iron. However, this type of mineral iron is not as easily absorbed compared to meat. My suggestion is to be mindful of what you’re eating and how much. Here are some iron-rich vegetables for anemia or iron deficiency: Drink detox water with fresh veggie slices mixed in with cool water Prepare delicious raw veggie smoothies Eat salads with fresh vegetables and lots of greens Prepare at least one vegetable side dish for dinner daily Go for baked vegetables for a significant iron boost rather than fried or cooked Complement veggies with fruits, herbs, or grains to increase absorption Group 3: Herbs & Spices Best herbs and spices with high rion Mint leaves Parsley Basil Thyme Rosemary Cinnamon Fenugreek Cumin Black pepper How to eat more iron-rich spices: Spices add flavor to your foods. Amazingly, many herbs and aromatic spices have high iron content. These herbs can be used in many ways to enrich your dishes with iron. Here’s how: Sprinkle herbs like mint and parsley on salads If you drink green tea, use basil or mint along with lemon juice for boosting iron Cook meat and vegetable curries with lots of spices to enhance flavor and nutrition Drinking warm fenugreek water or chewing its leaves also raises iron levels quickly Group 4: Meats Best iron rich meat sources Lamb Beef liver Lean beef Goat Buffalo Oysters Mussels Clams Salmon Herring Mackerel Tuna Sardines Anchovies Crab Shrimps Chicken Dark turkey Duck Ostrich Emu How to eat more iron-rich meat: Experts say that red meats are the best food source of iron. However, in many cases, you may want to avoid eating meat. For instance, if you have a history of cholesterol or heart diseases, you’re conscious about your weight, you’re a vegan or vegetarian. For others, here are some healthy tips to get the most from meats rich in iron: Red meat once a week is an essential iron-rich food for pregnancy Go for lean red meat because it has low fat Use lots of spices and herbs while cooking meat to enhance mineral iron Try to eat skinless chicken to avoid extra fat Consume baked meat more often rather than deep-frying Top 100 best food sources containing high mineral iron that women should eat every day or week. List includes: 👉 Fruits 👉 Veggies 👉 Nuts 👉 Grains (…and more + tips on how to consume them!) Click to Tweet Group 5: Grains & Legumes Best grains rich in iron Whole wheat Pink lentils Black lentils Tofu Red kidney beans Black beans Soybeans Chickpeas Barkey Oats Quinoa Raisin bran Corn flakes Frosted flakes How to eat more iron-rich grains: You can eat grains and legumes in a variety of ways during different meal times. Some of these foods even work as an energizing snack or mid-day brunch meal. Try South Asian style chapati/roti made with whole wheat for dinner Add beans to salads or curries Eat whole-wheat cereals for breakfast for smooth digestion Make a chickpea salsa salad for brunch or evening snack Boil lentils to make a delicious Indian-style curry Group 6: Nuts & Dried Foods Best nuts with high iron Coconuts Pine nuts Apricots Almonds Raisins Peaches Figs Walnuts Cashews Macadamia Peanuts Black grams Hazelnuts Pumpkin seeds Sesame seeds Flax seeds Sunflower seed IronDeficiency, IronRichFoods, AnemiaTreatment, HealthyDiet, NutritionTips, IronBoostingFoods, IronForHealth, FoodForAnemia, IronDeficiencyCure, EatHealthy, BoostIronLevels, VitaminsAndMinerals, SuperfoodsForIron, IronDeficiencyDiet, NaturalRemedies, HealthAndWellness, AnemiaDiet, IronRichMeals, IronSupplementation, HealthyEatingHabits,