"Gospel Basics Pt. 3—Rescued" — 3rd Sun. of Advent, 12/11/22

"Gospel Basics Pt. 3—Rescued" — 3rd Sun. of Advent, 12/11/22

Ever think of D-Day when you saw a Nativity scene? Or, mousetraps and fishing hooks when picturing Jesus on the Cross or in the manger of Bethlehem? When you've heard or seen the comforting Bible verse, "Be still and know that I am God" (Ps 46:10), ever thought of it as God trash-talking his foes? Listen now to hear how these unexpected ideas help answer the question, "What's so good about the 'Good News' of the Gospel?" Aiming to grasp the full significance of Christmas—and of the Christian life—we continue our Advent series, "Gospel Basics," with Part 3: "Rescued." Catch up with this Advent series, or refresh your memory, by accessing Part 1, "Created," and Part 2, "Captured," via the podcast homepage. Catholic Mass readings for December 11, 2022, Third Sunday of Advent: Is 35:1-6a,10; Ps 146:6-10; James 5:7-10; Matt 11:2-11