Worrying too much about what people think of me.
Why do I worry so much about what people think of me? How do I stop caring about their approval? The truth is, worrying about other people’s opinions is a form of slavery. It traps you in a constant pursuit of validation, stifling your peace and burying your true self under layers of falsehood. This struggle is universal, and many before us have offered guidance. Dry Creek Wrangler speaks of the rugged simplicity of embracing duty and releasing the need for external approval. Ianonyoutube reflects on breaking free from the crushing weight of society’s judgments. And Bishop Barron reminds us that only God’s approval truly matters. Jesus Christ Himself warned against living for human praise, “For they loved human praise more than praise from God.” (John 12:43). So why do we keep chasing what can never satisfy? This fear of rejection, this desperate need to please, is rooted not in reality but in illusion. The answer is letting go, surrendering your need for worldly approval and anchoring your identity in something eternal. True freedom and peace come not from caring less but from caring about the right things. As Christians, we are called to live for God, not for the fickle applause of man. What if you could stop worrying about other people’s opinions? What if you could let go of their judgments and find your true identity in Jesus Christ? It’s time to break free from the prison of people’s opinions and find the peace God has been offering you all along.