God of War Ragnarok PC Ultra Settings - Epic Gameplay Walkthrough Part 19
/ @pr0n00b07 Like / Share / Subscribe if you enjoyed the content. :) We got betrayed and a friend died. Tune in for the full journey and enjoy the ride. #GodOfWarRagnarok #GodOfWarPC #Kratos #Atreus #PCGaming #RagnarokGameplay #GodOfWarWalkthrough #GamingCommunity #EpicGames #ActionAdventure #PCMasterRace #GamePlaythrough #FirstLook #4kgameplay #walkthrough #gameplay #actionrpg #ragnarok #godofwar #gow #sindri #loki #kratos #atreusplays 00:00 Journey Continues 04:43 The Betrayal and the Big Reveal 06:50 Brok dies 09:30 Hunting 15:49 Journey to Midgard 19:05 Meeting with Sindri 23:50 Sindri's House 24:44 Deciding the next step 27:53 Journey to Muspelhiem 36:38 Flame Phantom Boss Fight 40:02 Meeting with SURTR 40:21 Soul Eater Boss Fight 42:41 Convincing SURTR to help 47:49 New Region: Spark of The World 50:22 SURTR becomes Ragnarok 51:43 HRIST and MIST Boss Fight