"I am VENGEANCE" + Opening Fight Scene Reaction Mashup - the Batman
Even though it is close with Keaton, I think at the end Pattinson will be considered the best "Batman". That's just my opinion. In this video, I gathered reactions from fans and reactors as they watched and reacted to the famous "I am Vengeance" line and the following brutal subway fight scene from the Batman. Let me know your thoughts and suggestions for future videos in the comments below, and don't forget to like and subscribe for more reaction videos and other fun content. Thanks for watching! Reactions from the following channels and their time stamps: 0:00 Intro 0:10 @BlindWave 1:37 @thenormies 2:12 @NatalieGoldReacts 3:01 @CineBingeReact 3:32 @NikkiStevenReact 4:42 @DosCavazos 5:28 @BaddMedicine 6:42 @PopcornInBed 7:28 @Alyska 8:50 @Outro #thebatman #batman #robertpattinson #batmanreaction #mattreeves #dc #riddler #catwoman #iamvengeance #moviereaction #reactionmashup #reactioncompliation #reactorsreact #reaction #reactionvideos #fansreact