HEX-CURSE-JINX BREAKING Candles To Stop Problems. CANDLE MAGIC | Yeyeo Botanica
Have you ever wondered what candles to use for Unblocking? Unblocking/hex/curse-breaking candles can help clear obstacles and negative energy and open pathways for personal growth. Join Elemi as she shares the top candles to use for Unblocking/hex/curse-breaking. #candlemagic #yeyeobotanica #cursebreaking #spirituality #hoodoo #hex protection Shop the Items in this video: Block Breaker: https://www.yeyeo.com/products/blockb... Dume: https://www.yeyeo.com/products/d-u-m-... Hex Breaker: https://www.yeyeo.com/products/hex-br... Unlock: https://www.yeyeo.com/products/unlock... Return To Sender:https://www.yeyeo.com/products/return... Reversible: https://www.yeyeo.com/products/revesi... Uncrossing: https://www.yeyeo.com/products/uncros... Speed Up: https://www.yeyeo.com/products/speed-... Cut & Clear: https://www.yeyeo.com/products/cut-cl... Protection: https://www.yeyeo.com/products/protec... As Always, Like, Subscribe and Share us with Others-ASHE, ASHE, ASHE! Connect with Yeyeo Botanica 🔽🔽🔽🔽🔽🔽 Join our email list, visit us in store and online! Get notified of classes, events, workshops, sales and much more! WEBSITE AND ONLINE STORE: https://yeyeo.com OUR NEWARK NJ RETAIL STORE: 186 West Market Street Newark, NJ 07103 Tel: (973) 623-1453 SIGN UP FOR OUR EMAIL LIST HERE: https://yeyeo.us4.list-manage.com/sub... SOCIAL MEDIA: TIKTOK / yeyeobotanica INSTAGRAM / yeyeo_botanica FACEBOOK / yeyeobotanica TWITTER / yeyeobotanica PINTEREST / yeyeobotanica YOUTUBE / yeyeobotanica ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------