पसीना आना हमारे लिए कितना फायदेमंद है | Health benefits of Sweating | Dr. Bimal Chhajer | SAAOL
Sweat glands help our skin filter toxins out of the body, which in turn boosts our immune system. Sweating also cools our bodies and maintains proper body temperature. Sweating helps in good circulation throughout our organs, muscles, and tissues. Our skin releases certain toxins, like alcohol and waste products, to help our bodies detoxify from sweating. Sweating helps eliminate salt from our bodies and helps prevent kidney stones from forming. Prolonged sweating also leads to increased thirst and the need to drink more water, which is also helpful in lowering the risk of kidney stones. While sweating, the pores on our skin open up and allow for a protective barrier to form against pathogens, reducing bacteria on the skin (this can benefit many skin problems like acne) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We are India’s leading preventive and rehabilitative Heart Care Organization. Our vision is to provide the best quality healthcare to heart and lifestyle disease patients at the most affordable costs and in the most sustainable manner. Across 100+ centers in India, our Doctors help patients receive non-invasive treatments, reverse heart disease, and help sustain a healthy, stress-free life. Visit us: Website: https://saaol.com Find Nearest SAAOL Center for medical consultation here ➡ https://saaol.com/#elementor-action%3... Facebook ➡ Like / saaolindia