The Very Hungry Caterpillar, Short Moral Story, #storytime #story #tales #theveryhungrycaterpillar
Welcome to @GG_Genius_Generation Channel Where kids can be happy and smart! The Very Hungry Caterpillar Story Once upon a time… On a big green leaf, a tiny egg started to shine in the warm sunlight. Then, one morning, the little egg cracked open with a crack and out came a tiny caterpillar. But this caterpillar… was so hungry! The little caterpillar grumbled, “I’m hungry!” Its tummy was rumbling, but what could it do? It started looking for something to eat. On Monday, the caterpillar found an apple and took a big bite. Crunch! But guess what? It was still hungry! On Tuesday, the caterpillar found two pears. Crunch, crunch! It ate those too. But still, its tummy wasn’t full. On Wednesday, the caterpillar found three plums. Crunch, crunch, crunch! But no, the little caterpillar was still hungry! On Thursday, the caterpillar found four strawberries. Crunch, crunch, crunch, crunch! But its tummy was still growling! On Friday, the caterpillar found five oranges. Crunch, crunch, crunch, crunch, crunch! Then, it looked and realized its tummy was still rumbling. But the real adventure started on Saturday! The caterpillar found so many yummy things and started eating them all: A piece of chocolate cake, An ice cream cone, A pickle, A slice of cheese, A sausage, A lollipop, A cherry pie, A hot dog sandwich, A slice of watermelon… And then, oh my, the little caterpillar’s tummy was about to burst! “Oh… I think I ate too much,” said the caterpillar. Its tummy was so full that it started to hurt. On Sunday, the caterpillar only ate a fresh green leaf. And then its tummy felt much better. “Ahhh, this is just what I needed,” said the caterpillar. But the caterpillar had eaten so much that it wasn’t a little caterpillar anymore. It had become a big, chubby caterpillar! Then one day, the caterpillar made itself a cozy cocoon and went inside. It slept there for two whole weeks. And finally, from inside the cocoon… The little caterpillar came out as a butterfly! It wasn’t hungry anymore because it could fly now, and with its colorful wings, it happily soared in the sky! #EnglishStories #MoralStories #bedtimestory #bedtimestories #storytime #story #storyforkids #talesforkids #talesforchildren Cunning Wolf Story, Short Moral Story, Fairy Tale for Kids Wolf and Villagers, Bedtime Story, Animated Story English Fairy Tale, Clever Wolf, Classic Folktale Animal Stories, Storytelling for Kids, Fun Learning Moral Stories, Children's Story, Adventure Tale Copyright © Genius Generation Studio, Inc. All rights reserved.