complete kubernetes course from beginner to pro
Download 1M+ code from https://codegive.com/e92c288 certainly! here’s a complete tutorial outline for a kubernetes course that takes you from beginner to pro, complete with code examples. this will cover the essential concepts, components, and practical applications of kubernetes. --- complete kubernetes course: from beginner to pro table of contents 1. *introduction to kubernetes* what is kubernetes? why use kubernetes? kubernetes architecture key concepts: pods, nodes, clusters 2. *setting up your environment* local kubernetes setup with minikube using kubernetes in the cloud (gke, eks, aks) installing kubectl 3. *kubernetes basics* creating your first pod understanding deployments services and networking 4. *managing applications on kubernetes* scaling applications rolling updates and rollbacks configmaps and secrets 5. *storage in kubernetes* persistent volumes and persistent volume claims storage classes dynamic volume provisioning 6. *advanced kubernetes concepts* namespaces helm: package management for kubernetes custom resource definitions (crds) 7. *security in kubernetes* role-based access control (rbac) network policies pod security policies 8. *monitoring and logging* setting up monitoring with prometheus logging with fluentd and elasticsearch visualization with grafana 9. *ci/cd with kubernetes* setting up ci/cd pipelines using argocd for gitops integrating with jenkins 10. *kubernetes troubleshooting* common issues and solutions debugging pods and services using kubectl for troubleshooting 11. *conclusion and next steps* certifications and resources community and contributions --- detailed breakdown 1. introduction to kubernetes *what is kubernetes?* kubernetes is an open-source platform designed to automate deploying, scaling, and operating application containers. *why use kubernetes?* ... #Kubernetes #KubernetesCourse #python Kubernetes course beginner to pro learn Kubernetes Kubernetes training container orchestration Kubernetes certification DevOps cloud-native applications microservices architecture Kubernetes deployment hands-on Kubernetes Kubernetes management cloud computing Kubernetes networking advanced Kubernetes