Apostle Joshua Selman/ le pouvoir destructif de l'orgueil/the destroying power of pride
Cette video est un extrait de la predication de l'homme de Dieu Nigerian l'Apotre Joshua Selman sur le pouvoir de l'humilite traduit en francais par l'equipe de Hopefule life. vous pourrez retrouver la video entiere dans le lien ci dessous en anglais;...n'oublier pas de vous abonner pour plus de video ; pour tout contact pour nous soutenir, veuillez nous laisser un message ou nous ecrire a sylvado96@gmail.com le lien de la video original en anglais • Video Teaching "The Lifting Power of True Humility With Apostle Joshua Selman At Koinonia Abuja Service" "Deep Revelation Of The Kingdom" Benefits Of Humility Sermon A Divine Encounter Understanding The Power Of Humility Subject Of Humility By Apostle Joshua Selman Koinonia Sunday Service (THE POWER OF TRUE HUMILITY) Apostle Joshua Selman Apostle Joshua Selman Powerful Sermon 2021 Powerful Sermon Of Apostle Joshua Selman 2021 #ApostleJoshuaSelmanMessages #PowerfulMessage #OnlineSermon koinonia abuja live Koinonia Abuja Sunday Service. SALVATION TV is a Media Platform that shares Apostle Joshua Selman's Contents as a revival material massively and soul winning for Christ alongside other Anointed Ministers of God. Apostle Joshua Selman Nimmak – an Anointed Minister and Revelational Teacher of the Word of God. He is the founder/leader of Eternity Network International (ENI) and convener of Koinonia – a weekly program where people come to experience WORSHIP, WORD, MIRACLES, AND LOVE, experience true intimacy with the Holy Spirit and learn to be with Him, be like Him and represent Him. CALL THE OFFICIAL LINES: For ANY inquiry About Apostle Joshua Selman and Ministry On: Public Relations Department: +2348147214444 and +2349077777853 Protocol Department: +2347087777765 Media Department: +2348100289892