Anaheim CRC. Sunday August 29, 2021 - 10 AM Worship Service.
Pastor Joel will be continuing the series through Galatians. This Sunday the text will be Galatians 6:7-10, “Reaping What You Sow.” Anaheim Christian Reformed Church. CCLI Copyright License #2671572, Streaming License #20411199. Song: "Spirit of the living God" - CCLI Song #23488 St. 1 - Daniel Iverson, 1926, St. 2 - Michael Baughen, 1982 Song: "Turn Your Eyes" - CCLI Song #7120053 Helen H. Lemmel, George Romanacce, Nic Trout, and Kevin Winebarger Song: "Christ Is Enough" - CCLI Song #6514035 Jonas Myrin, and Reuben Morgan Song: "Lord, Whose Love in Humble Service" Albert F. Bayly (1961) Anaheim Christian Reformed Church. CCLI Copyright License #2671572, Streaming License #20411199.