200 Players Simulate THE WILD WEST in Minecraft
In this video, I put 200 Minecraft Players in The Wild West. Each player had the freedom to do whatever they want, but they only had one life. Will there be peace? Will there be war? Who will be triumphant? Cowboys? Robbers? Find out now! More info: Out of 250+ applicants, 200 players were accepted to play in my “200 Players Simulate The Wild West in Minecraft” event. (also known as "Parable 2"). Each day, all players logged on at the same time, and sessions lasted around 2-3 hours. For the most part, players could do whatever they want, including mining for resources, running a business, robbing a bank, or fighting in war. We did set a few limitations on the players to promote a better experience, like banning random killing (RDM) as well as disabling most Minecraft enchantments. DISCLAIMER: While most of the footage and plot information in this video accurately represents what actually happened in this event/experiment, some moments have been modified, reshot, or entirely fabricated for purposes of simplification or storytelling. Intro - 00:00 Day 1 - 00:36 Day 2 - 03:13 Day 3 - 07:16 Day 4 - 09:56 Day 5 - 14:57 Day 6 - 22:02 #minecraft #civilization #wildwest #100players #minecraftcivilization Video takes massive inspiration from @ish Check out @parablesmc for more content!