God is Saying this Person is The Chosen One as Your Partner When You Notice These Things Happening

God is Saying this Person is The Chosen One as Your Partner When You Notice These Things Happening

A God-sent partner is someone you envision sharing your life with and standing by in the remaining years of your life, not just for a night. If you cannot foresee this, they might not be the one God has sent for you. Don’t forget that the marriage journey will be a rough one and the enemy will fight it when it is serving God’s purposes. However, when your God-sent partner is with you, then the journey will be a beautiful adventure together. #motivational #inspiration #christianmotivation #god #godmessage #godmessagetoday Donation/support https://paypal.me/GRACEFORDESTINY?cou... Footage Licensed Through Filmpac/Envato elements/Motionarray/Artgrid