The NEW BEST EXP Farming STRAT On DemonFall Roblox

The NEW BEST EXP Farming STRAT On DemonFall Roblox

In this video, I go over the NEW BEST EXP Farming STRAT On DemonFall Roblox as of Update/Patch 2.15 that REVEALS the BEST EXP Farming Method in DemonFall Roblox so lets get straight into it, farming off Kaigaku is the BEST way to get EXP In DemonFall in MY opinion. Kaigaku rewards you with 8k EXP EVERY TIME that Kaigaku is killed with participation of others, he is spawned randomly in the villages from every 40 minutes up to 2 hours. By doing this method, you can take roblox to your advantage by server hopping as demonstrated in this video which makes this video the NEW BEST EXP Farming Strat on DemonFall Roblox in patch 2.15. This NEW EXP Farming STRATEGY on Demonfall will help those who wish to level up FAST in demonfall as a slayer, solo, or a demon player which is the fastest exp farming method in demonfall as of now in demonfall 2.15 which will help you on prestiging/prestige fast in demonfall, this videoreveals "how to level up fast in demon fall" which is a question I get every day. here you go! In this video, I will REVEAL my SECRET To Farm KAIGAKU EVERY TIME In DemonFall Roblox or How To Find Kaigaku 100% Of the Time In DemonFall Roblox with this video. This video will help you on how to level up fast in demonfall as a slayer or how to level up fast in demonfall as a demon. It doesn't matter which type of player you are, this video will show you the FASTEST Exp farming method in DemonFall Roblox with my secret to help you find Kaigaku even FASTER This EXP farming method is finding Kaigaku EVERY SINGLE TIME In DemonFall or known as How To Find Kaigaku 100% of the time In DemonFall or getting him in your server or increasing the chances of finding kaigaku in your lobby/server on DemonFall Roblox with Auratix! I use this EXP method on streams with this SECRET that you will find out in todays video. Join my discord server today!   / discord   #expfarming #bestexpfarm #demonfall