[마롱즈]이건 못 참지!구름빵 만들기(cloud bread):☁️사르르녹는 구름빵레시피

[마롱즈]이건 못 참지!구름빵 만들기(cloud bread):☁️사르르녹는 구름빵레시피

안녕하세요:) 홈베이킹하는 치과위생사 부가띠베이킹 입니다♥ 오늘은, 구름빵을 만들었어요:D 쫀쫀하면서 사르르 녹는 식감이 참 독특했어요♥ 요즘 가을 하늘에 구름이 참 이쁜데~ 같이 구름빵 만들어 볼까요?! ⚙톱니바퀴 모양을 눌러서 1080p로 설정하시면 보다 선명하게 볼 수 있어요 ▼더보기를 누르시면 상세 레시피와 설명이 나와있어요(영어포함) ▼구독은 영상을 만드는 큰 힘이 됩니다:) 구독, 좋아요 눌러 주세용:) 흰자에 비해 설탕양이 적어서 쫀쫀한 머랭을 올리기는 힘들어요. 뿔이서는 정도의 머랭까지 만들면 돼요:D 흰자로 만드는거라 달걀비린내가 나요. 바닐라익스트랙은 꼭 넣어 주세요:D 재료 달걀3개(흰자) 설탕 30g 옥수수전분 10g 바닐라익스트랙 1tsp 색소 바이올렛 1방울 --시청해주셔서 너무 너무 감사합니다^^--- ----- Song 김재영 - My Little boy 자료출처 httpsgongu.copyright.or.kr Music promoted by DayDreamSound httpsyoutu.bet--LC58wPr8 —————————— Track : A Dark Alley Music by 브금대통령 Music provided by 브금대통령 Watch :    • [브금대통령] (Noir/Gloomy/Bar) A Dark Alle...   Hello:) This is Bugatti Baking, a dental hygienist who bakes at home.♥ Today I made cloud bread:D It was very chewy and soft and chewy.♥ The clouds in the autumn sky are so pretty these days. Shall we make a cloud bread together? If you press the wheel to set it to 1080p, you can see it more clearly. ▼If you click the More, you will find detailed recipes and explanations (including English) ▼Subscribe is a big help in making videos:) Subscribe, press like:) The amount of sugar is small compared to the whites, so it's hard to put on a sticky meringue. You can make a horny meringue:D. It's made of egg whites, so it smells like fishy eggs. Make sure you put vanilla extract in:D Material 3 eggs (white) 30g of sugar 10g of corn starch vanilla extract 1 tsp coloring matter a drop of violet -- Thank you so much for watching.^^--- ----- Song Kim Jae-young - My Little Boy Source of data httpsgongu.copyright.or.kr music promotated by DayDreamSound httpsyoutubet--LC58wPr8 —————————— Track: A Dark Alley Music by BGM President Music provided by BGM President Watch :    • [브금대통령] (Noir/Gloomy/Bar) A Dark Alle...