IamZoie GotDamnZo IG LIVE W/ CHAT | 03/16/25
Copyright Notice: The content featured in this video is derived from a livestream by [@iamzoie]. I have made edits and additions for commentary and discussion purposes. The core content remains the intellectual property of [@iamzoie], and I respect their rights as the original creator. Please support the original content creator. Disclaimer: This video contains recorded content for educational, commentary, and satirical purposes, which falls under fair use as defined under Section 107 of the Copyright Act. Fair use allows limited use of copyrighted material without requiring permission, specifically for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, or research. The content presented here is meant to inform, analyze, and entertain, and any copyrighted material used is incidental, transformative, and for non-commercial, educational purposes. No original content owners are endorsed, and this video does not intend to infringe on the rights of any parties. All rights to the original content remain with the respective owners. This video is for commentary, entertainment, and educational purposes only and does not endorse any harmful or inappropriate behavior. Any instances of sarcasm, humor, or language are reflective of the live-streamed environment and do not represent the views or values of this channel. Some language and interactions may include sarcasm and humor intended for mature audiences. Viewer discretion is advised. By uploading this video, I assert good faith intent in compliance with copyright law and fair use provisions. Should any copyright holder believe that their rights are infringed upon, I am open to resolving any issues amicably.