How to get a degree in Sri Lanka without A/L | a/l fail උනත් රජයේ degree එකක් කරන්නෙ මෙහෙමයි
How to Get a Degree in Sri Lanka With or Without A/L | Best Degrees, OUSL, and More! Are you a student in Sri Lanka looking to pursue higher education, but not sure how to go about it, with or without A/L results? You're in the right place! In this video, we'll explore the best degrees in Sri Lanka, including options available at the Open University of Sri Lanka (OUSL), and how you can apply online. If you didn't excel in your A/L exams or faced challenges, don't worry, we've got you covered! Discover alternative pathways to obtain a degree after A/L, and get motivated to overcome any setbacks along the way. We'll also discuss other fantastic educational institutions such as the Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology (SLIIT) and Sir John Kothalawala Defence University (KDU). Whether you're interested in science, technology, or any other field, we've got insights on various courses available in Sri Lanka for science students. Stay tuned for essential information on the 2023 A/L exam application process, online applications for private candidates, and NAITA course offerings for 2023. Join us as we dive into the world of higher education in Sri Lanka, including technical colleges, and learn valuable study motivation tips. Whether you're looking to pursue a degree with or without A/L, this video has something for every youth aspiring to advance their education in Sri Lanka. Don't miss out! Subscribe now for more educational content. My other videos : 70 Days A/L study plan sinhala | how to get 3A's in 70 days | last minute study tips sinhala • 70 days A/L study plan sinhala | how ... පාඩම් කරන්න පටන්ගන්න හිතෙන්නෙ නැද්ද ? 5 second rule | best Study Techniques & Tips in Sinhala • පාඩම් කරන්න පටන්ගන්න හිතෙන්නෙ නැද්ද ?... කොචර විභාගෙ ලන්වුනත් exam stress නොව් පාඩන් කරන්නෙ මෙහෙමයි | avoid exams stress sinhala a/l , o/l • කොචර විභාගෙ ලන්වුනත් exam stress නොව... 8 STEPS to avoid sleep while studying | study tip sinhala | How to study with out getting tired • 8 STEPS to avoid sleep while studying... How to increase the 30% marks to 80% marks in the paper within 2 days • How to increase the 30% marks to 80% ... 5 STEPS to remember what you studied | Study fast |Study tips sinhala | Fun Study Techniques • 70 days A/L study plan sinhala | how ... 🚀My social media platforms : Facebook page - https://web.facebook.com/TutorTediniR... 🚀If you like my channel Like Share Comment Subscribe #afterexam #university #sinhala My channel