when god stopped time and show his power and authority. #god #faith #jesus #bible

when god stopped time and show his power and authority. #god #faith #jesus #bible

when god stopped time and show his power and authority. There are a few instances in the Bible where God intervened and altered time or demonstrated His authority over it. Here are a few examples: 1. *Joshua 10:12-14*: During a battle, Joshua prayed to God for more daylight to defeat the enemy. God made the sun stand still, and a day was extended to allow the Israelites to win the battle. 2. *2 Kings 20:8-11*: Hezekiah, the King of Judah, was granted a miraculous sign by God. The shadow of the sun moved backward on the sundial, reversing time. 3. *Isaiah 38:7-8*: Similar to the previous example, God provided a sign to Hezekiah by making the sun's shadow move backward. These events demonstrate God's power and authority over time itself, showcasing His divine intervention in human affairs. May these examples from the Bible inspire you and deepen your understanding of God's power and authority. #god #faith #jesus #bible #jesuschrist #prayer #inspiration #inspirational #love #motivation #hope #motivational #worship #religion #christian#catholic