2024 *Election year Interest Rate Forecast. Q3 Jerome Powell & FED rate pause?! Ohio Islands in view
2024 Election year Mortgage Interest Rate forecast! A walk and talk on East Harbor State Park Beach with periodic views of the Ohio Islands. Kelleys Island, South Bass Island (Put in Bay), Green Island, and Mouse Island are pointed out in the video. Jerome Powell and the FED have indicated that they will be ceasing rate hikes. How fast will they come back down? Only two times in modern history has the FED changed rates within 2 months of an election. I anticipate this means we will see a pause in Q3 of 2024 as they do not want to be accused of being partisan to either party. Will this contribute to a decrease in the fed funds rate in Q2? I think so. Join me on the walk and find out why! (I also have drone video of the icy beach playing in the lower corner most of the video, I realize this is a boring topic to most folks so I wanted to include some cool views for entertainment 😉) *Fun fact: My mom used to lifeguard on this very beach back in the late 70's! Thanks for watching! Always here for you guys! Jeff Brower is a local Realtor, Ohio Home Inspector, and FAA certified drone operator.