6 Settings You MUST Change Before Launching Your Next Facebook Ad

6 Settings You MUST Change Before Launching Your Next Facebook Ad

🏆 Have Nick Theriot Run Your Ads: https://www.theriotsolutions.com 💰 Have Nick Theriot Mentor You: https://theriotsolutions.com/innercircle 💬 Nick’s Free Community Chat: https://t.me/+xGoAtUWhC7hlMWMx 📸 Follow Me On Instagram:   / nicktheriot_   *** Hey! If you’re new to the channel, my name is Nick Theriot I’ve been running Facebook ads since 2015 and have done over $50m in revenue for our clients. We work with a variety of brands but the majority or e-commerce! Facebook Ads 6 Settings You MUST Change Before Launching Your Next Ad In today’s video, I walk you through six critical Facebook ad settings that you must change before launching your next campaign to maximize conversions. Whether you’re new to Facebook ads or a seasoned marketer, these tweaks will help improve your ad performance and generate more sales. We cover key settings such as choosing manual sales campaigns over Advantage Plus, optimizing for purchases from the start, and excluding recent purchasers to refine your targeting. I’ll also explain why turning off Facebook’s automatic optimizations can prevent issues like mismatched creative enhancements, ensuring your ads maintain their intended tone. These small changes can make a big difference in how your campaigns perform in the long run. If you’re looking to scale your brand to seven figures, or want one-on-one mentoring, click the link below. Don’t forget to like and subscribe for more digital marketing tips every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday! #Facebookads #facebookadvertising #facebookmarketing *** -Nick Theriot