Everything Wrong With: TV Sins- The Last of Us "When We Are In Need"

Everything Wrong With: TV Sins- The Last of Us "When We Are In Need"

Creepy preachers and weird exclusive cults? This episode should have been called the Republican National Convention. Here’s Everything Wrong With: TV Sins- The Last of Us “When We Are in Need”. Patreon:   / michaeljay978   Comedy Channel:    / @thememeempire-uw1vm   Horror Channel:    / @hellfiles-mt8pu   ALL LINKS: https://linktr.ee/MichaelJay978?subsc... This video is protected under fair use laws (please don’t give me a copyright strike) Our email: [email protected] *this video is not for children Intro song: GAWNE - Till The End (Official Video)    • GAWNE - Till The End (Official Video)   Original video:   • Everything Wrong With The Last of Us ...   Michael Jay is a channel that does mainly Cinemasins and Cinemawins type videos, but we also have done other stuff and will in the future. Check out our playlists to see all of our recurring series. Comment on and like the videos. Subscribe and hit the bell icon to receive all notifications. Enjoy and subscribe! #thelastofus #tvsins #th3birdman #everythingwrongwith #michaeljay