How To Fix Drought Stressed Lawn in 5 to 14 days | Emerald Green Lawn Tonic

How To Fix Drought Stressed Lawn in 5 to 14 days | Emerald Green Lawn Tonic

If your lawn is Brown and stressed from the Summer drought, using a wetting agent will help it to come back. For even faster recovery, my new product called Emerald Green (available here: will help your lawn recover in as little as 5 days! Of course, you don't have to use my Emerald Green. You can use a regular wetting agent and water well. You could also just continue to water, however, these additional options will take longer. My Emerald Green will give a faster recovery. It is: NON TOXIC SAFE FOR PETS AND CHILDREN ONCE WATERED IN 95% ORGANIC 5% ECO FRIENDLY It can take up to 2 weeks for a good solid recovery, and this is all dependent upon how long the lawn has been left in a stressed state. Some lawns from 2018 suffered so much during that heatwave that they failed to recover. How to use Emerald Green lawn tonic: 1. Apply morning or late evening 2. Spray the product at a rate of 4ml of Emerald Green per sq metre in 30ml of water. So a 100 sq metre lawn would need 400ml of Emerald Green in 3 litres of water. 3. Water in IMMEDIATELY, deeply for at least 15 minutes. 4. Continue to water your lawn daily and deeply for at least a week, and your lawn will soon start to make a rapid recovery. #droughtstressedlawn #fixdroughtstress #emeraldgreen