6 pm 02/17/21 | Ash Wednesday - Blessing the Dust

6 pm 02/17/21 | Ash Wednesday - Blessing the Dust

Come join us @ https://www.gloriadei-sd.org/live for a more feature rich Livestream experience! Series Title: The Gospel of Luke Full Church Service: Ash Wednesday, February 17, 2021 Pastor Sarah Goldammer Message Title: Blessing the Dust Scripture Reading: Psalm 51:1-17 Gospel Reading: Matthew 6:1-6; 16-21 Special Music: Prelude - Fugue in A minor, J.S. Bach Postlude - Give Me Jesus, WOV #770 Hymns: Beneath the Cross of Jesus - LBW #107 Lord, Let My Heart be Good Soil - WOV #713 O God, Our Help in Ages Past - LBW #320 I Want Jesus to Walk with Me - WOV #660 Hymns covered under ONE LICENSE # A-704295 Gloria Dei Website - https://www.gloriadei-sd.org