Marguerite Will be the Death of me // Resident Evil 7 VR Mod Part 4

Marguerite Will be the Death of me // Resident Evil 7 VR Mod Part 4

We knew we would see her sooner or later but not like this! Zoe warned us about her mother Marguerite would be after us. She is either really playful or just plain twitsted! We left the episode at a wierd building she escaped too after we defeated her from the pit she pushed us down! All Social Media -   / vr_pocstars   Tiktok -   / pocstars     / vr_pocstars   Twitch -   / pocstars   Marguerite Will be the Death of me // Resident Evil 7 VR Mod Part 4 #vr #re7 #residentevil #re7biohazard