【양배추 물김치】명절반찬 cabbage water kimchi 위장에 최고/암예방에 좋은/아삭하게 식감좋은/만드는법 Recipe

【양배추 물김치】명절반찬 cabbage water kimchi 위장에 최고/암예방에 좋은/아삭하게 식감좋은/만드는법 Recipe

양배추에는/ 비타민U성분이 함량되어있어서 위염/위궤양에 좋고/ 암예방 특히 여성 유방암에 더욱좋다하니/ 꾸준히 먹어주면 정말좋은 식품중의 하나네요~ 한통사면 항상 냉장고안에서 돌아다녔는데요 요즘엔 양배추로 해먹을것이 많아졌네요~ (준비재료) 양배추 반통 오이2개 홍고추1개 대파(쪽파) 조금 사과1개 무우 한조각 양파반개 홍파프리카 반개 마늘7알 생강 1조각 새우젓2스푼 굵은소금 반컵(양배추 절임용) 채소즙 갈은것 600ml 고추가루 불린물 400ml 멸치다시물 600ml 생수 400ml 매실액 4스푼 굵은소금1스푼 뉴슈가 조금 ※바로먹어도 되지만 반나절정도 숙성한후 냉장보관하고 드세요 음악 BGM제공 ----에픽 가드너님♬    / @epicgardener4367   Cabbage is good for gastritis and ulcer because it's high in vitamin U. It's especially good for women's breast cancer. It's one of the best foods to eat consistently. I used to go around in the refrigerator when I bought one. These days, there are a lot of things to make with cabbage. (Ready Materials) a half bucket of cabbage 2 cucumbers a piece of red pepper a bit of green onion 1 apple a piece of radish half onion half-red paprika seven grains of garlic a slice of ginger 2 spoons of salted shrimp Half a cup of coarse salt (for pickling cabbages) 600ml of ground vegetable juice 400 ml of red pepper flakes 600ml of anchovy specimen 400ml of bottled water 4 spoons of plum juice 1 tablespoon thick salt a little bit of New Sugar ※You can eat it right away, but after you ripen it for half a day, Keep it refrigerated and eat it'